Category: Finishes

June 26, 2018 LaDawn

So, I’ve been pretty busy this summer.  A bunch of finishes, and a bunch of works in progress. Once the Hunter’s Star wedding quilt was done, my next deadline was a Medallion Round Robin with my online guild, Quilting Around the World, ( You can find those photos on my Instagram feed. While working on…

May 11, 2018 LaDawn

I just wanted to write a quick post to show off my Hunter’s Star quilt made for my nephew and his new wife! I am pretty happy with the way it came out, though the quilting is a little rough in places. I affectionately called this one  “Wedding Quilt #3” while it was in progress…

July 14, 2017 LaDawn

Before we left for vacation, I was trying to get two quilts done so that I could deliver them in person and not have to count on the Post Office.  Plus, delivering them and seeing the reactions of the recipients is so gratifying!   This one, which I blogged about here, was going to my…