Month: August 2017

August 31, 2017 LaDawn

I grew up in the era of double knit fabrics, and my mother was a professional seamstress. (For any of you modern sewists, that’s what we were called back then!). That meant there was plenty of double knits in my house. However, my mom didn’t quilt, so I don’t have any double knit quilts from…

August 16, 2017 LaDawn

I want to introduce you to my kids, or at least give you an update of what each of them is up to these days. With my girls, I will highlight their quilting prowess; with my son, I’ll have to tell you of his writing and bread baking exploits, since he hasn’t sat at a…

August 2, 2017 LaDawn

Hi all! This is a quick post to share a vintage1950’s era quilt I brought home from my parents’ house. The pattern has several names. The two I am most familiar with are Lone Star and Star of Bethlehem. My mom said it had been made as a raffle quilt and sold, then somehow it…